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Category: Natural history
The Bullhead in Britain: a small fish with an identity problem
February 2025
Natural history
A portrait of the Great Auk
February 2025
Natural history
The ecology and conservation of the Common Lizard in Britain
December 2024
Natural history
Dragonfly expansions- ten years on
December 2024
Natural history
Book review: British & Irish Wild Flowers and Plants: A Pocket Guide
December 2024
Book Reviews
Natural history
Species identification
The ecology and conservation of Limestone scree in Britain and Ireland
November 2024
Natural history
Insects of Lincolnshire’s sea banks
October 2024
Natural history
A quarter-century of rare plants
October 2024
Natural history
Book review: Treetime: Tales of a Layman’s Lifelong Adventure with Trees and Tree Folk
October 2024
Book Reviews
Natural history
Book review: The Osprey
October 2024
Book Reviews
Natural history
Species conservation
Species identification
Thirty-five years of moth reports
August 2024
Natural history
Reserve Focus: Mitcham Common
August 2024
Natural history
The surreptitious westward advance of the Harbour Seal
August 2024
Natural history
Book review: Hedges
August 2024
Book Reviews
Natural history
Book review: The Accidental Garden: Gardens, Wilderness and the Space in Between
August 2024
Book Reviews
Natural history
Reserve Focus: Gordano Valley NNR
June 2024
Natural history
Marine plankton in Milford Haven
June 2024
Natural history
Book review: Ponds, Pools and Puddles
June 2024
Book Reviews
Natural history
A beep in the dark: 120 years of the Common Midwife Toad in Britain
May 2024
Natural history
An introduction to terrestrial nemertines
April 2024
Natural history
An upturn in fortunes for the Speckled Footman moth in Britain
April 2024
Natural history
Book review: Shieldbugs
April 2024
Book Reviews
Natural history
Species conservation
Species identification
Rare plants: where human and natural history meet
February 2024
Natural history
The colourful lives and times of British and Irish wrasses
February 2024
Natural history
Blackflies of Britain: their biology and impacts on people and animals
December 2023
Natural history
The natural and cultural history of Yew
December 2023
Natural history
Freshwater sponges: our native species and their inhabitants
November 2023
Natural history
Oaks in J. G. Strutt’s
Sylva Britannica
(1826) and their existence in 2023
November 2023
Natural history
Book review: Reflections: What Wildlife Needs and How to Provide it
November 2023
Book Reviews
Conservation policy
Natural history
A short history of snail-eating in Britain
October 2023
Natural history
Book review: Wild Waters: The Magic of Ireland’s Rivers and Lakes
October 2023
Book Reviews
Natural history
Regional ecology & conservation
Shapeshifting hollies: unnoticed change?
August 2023
Natural history
The Sandhill Rustic moth in Britain and Ireland
August 2023
Natural history
Book review: Trees and Woodlands
August 2023
Book Reviews
Conservation practice
Natural history
The rise and fall of the Wild Rabbit in Britain
June 2023
Natural history
Book review: Plant Atlas 2020: Mapping Changes in the Distribution of the British and Irish Flora (2-Volume Set)
June 2023
Book Reviews
Natural history
Species identification
Life in the trees – observations on the species composition and ecology of vascular-plant epiphytes in Britain and Ireland
May 2023
Natural history
The mixed fortunes of the Azure Hawker in Britain
May 2023
Natural history
Book review: One Thousand Shades of Green: A Year in Search of Britain’s Wild Plants
May 2023
Book Reviews
Natural history
Species identification
The Grand Surprize – a short account of the long history of butterfly vagrancy in Britain
April 2023
Natural history
The range of Beech in Britain: lessons from the Quaternary
February 2023
Natural history
Book review: The Flow: Rivers, Waters and Wildness
February 2023
Book Reviews
Natural history
Wild oakwoods: can they exist in lowland England?
December 2022
Natural history
Wilding for Conservation
Invasions, plagues and conservation – the history of Ship Rats in Britain and Ireland
December 2022
Natural history
The Strawberry Tree and how it may have reached Ireland
November 2022
Natural history
Testate amoebae – a beginner’s guide to a fascinating microworld
November 2022
Natural history
The dark world of Henbane
October 2022
Natural history
Book review: Concise Flora of the British Isles
October 2022
Book Reviews
Natural history
Species identification
Looking for that spark: bioluminescent plankton in British seas
August 2022
Natural history
Book review: Trees
August 2022
Book Reviews
Natural history
Species conservation
Book review: Cornerstones: Wild Forces That Can Change Our World
August 2022
Book Reviews
Conservation trends
Natural history
Species conservation
Book review: Birds and Us: A 12,000-Year History, from Cave Art to Conservation
August 2022
Book Reviews
Natural history
Book review: Alchemilla: Lady’s-mantles of Britain and Ireland
June 2022
Book Reviews
Natural history
Species identification
Common Elder: a natural and cultural history
May 2022
Natural history
Book review: Wild Green Wonders: A Life in Nature
May 2022
Book Reviews
Conservation & people
Conservation policy
Conservation trends
Natural history
Brilliant Emerald – a rare dragonfly with a bizarre distribution
April 2022
Natural history
The wandering Walrus and other Arctic vagrants
February 2022
Natural history
Book review: Slime: A Natural History
February 2022
Book Reviews
Natural history
Species identification
Book review: Wild Fell: Fighting for Nature on a Lake District Hill Farm
February 2022
Book Reviews
Natural history
Regional ecology & conservation
British elephants
December 2021
Natural history
Keystone snails: the biology, behaviour, ecology and conservation of patellid limpets
December 2021
Natural history
Small ferns, birds and bulbs: the natural history of St Agnes
December 2021
Natural history
On the trail of the Narrow-headed Ant in the UK
November 2021
Natural history
Dull flowers and dazzling insects – the story of pollination in one of our less glamorous orchids
November 2021
Natural history
The Humpback Whale’s tale – a cetacean in hot water
October 2021
Natural history
The flower-visiting insects associated with old trees and dead wood
October 2021
Natural history
Book review: Human, Nature: A Naturalist’s Thoughts on Wildlife and Wild Places
October 2021
Book Reviews
Conservation & people
Natural history
Book review: Ecology and Natural History
October 2021
Book Reviews
Natural history
The Marsh Fritillary on the Lizard
August 2021
Natural history
Book review: Broomrapes of Britain & Ireland
August 2021
Book Reviews
Natural history
Species identification
Vole out of water: a history of terrestrial Water Voles in Britain
June 2021
Natural history
How do solitary bees use urban gardens? A lockdown study
June 2021
Natural history
Book review: Beak, Tooth and Claw: Living with Predators in Britain
June 2021
Book Reviews
Natural history
Species conservation
The Ring Ouzel – ecology and conservation of the ‘mountain Blackbird’ in the UK
May 2021
Natural history
Biodiversity and recombinant ecology in conifer plantations
May 2021
Natural history
Book review: Heathland
May 2021
Book Reviews
Natural history
Pollinators and pollination: myths, misunderstandings and much more to discover
April 2021
Natural history
The Edible Dormouse: update on an invasive non-native species
April 2021
Natural history
Discovering Britain’s truly Wild Apples
February 2021
Natural history
Book review: Britain’s Habitats: A field guide to the wildlife habitats of Great Britain and Ireland. Second edition.
February 2021
Book Reviews
Natural history
Cephalopods in British seas – what krakens lie beneath?
December 2020
Natural history
Book review: His Imperial Majesty: A Natural History of The Purple Emperor
December 2020
Book Reviews
Natural history
Species identification
Book review: Art Meets Ecology: Arborealists in Lady Park Woods
December 2020
Book Reviews
Natural history
Regional ecology & conservation
Book review: A Flora of Cornwall
December 2020
Book Reviews
Natural history
Regional ecology & conservation
Unravelling the mysteries of autumn swarming by bats
November 2020
Natural history
Book review: Entangled life
November 2020
Book Reviews
Natural history
Species identification
The Speckled Bush-cricket – an unusual orthopteran
October 2020
Natural history
Book review: Woodland flowers: Colourful past, uncertain future
October 2020
Book Reviews
Natural history
Britain’s hybrid orchids – it’s a family affair
August 2020
Natural history
British Trilobites: glimpses of life from ancient seas
August 2020
Natural history
The Jackdaw – the story of the church parson
June 2020
Natural history
Book review: The Ecology of Hedgerows and Field Margins
June 2020
Book Reviews
Natural history
Snake heads and bird droppings – unusual cases of mimicry in the lepidopteran larvae of Britain and Ireland
April 2020
Natural history
The European Spiny Lobster in south-west Britain – back from the brink?
December 2019
Natural history
A brighter future for Breckland moths?
December 2019
Natural history
Changing nature, changing naturalists: a brief history from a British perspective
December 2019
Natural history
Urban fungi: the mushrooms and toadstools of Greater London
December 2019
Natural history
Book review: Turning the Boat for Home: A life writing about nature
December 2019
Book Reviews
Natural history
Book review: Vickery’s Folk Flora: An A-Z of the Folklore and Uses of British and Irish Plants
October 2019
Book Reviews
Natural history
Species identification
Book review: Garden Birds
October 2019
Book Reviews
Natural history
Species identification
The Purseweb Spider: a very British tarantula
August 2019
Natural history
What’s in a name? The legacy and lexicon of birds
August 2019
Natural history
A history of the Wildcat in England
June 2019
Natural history
Long-distance dispersal and establishment by orchids
June 2019
Natural history
Book review: Green and Prosperous Land: A Blueprint for Rescuing the British Countryside
June 2019
Book Reviews
Conservation practice
Natural history
Book review: Shotover: The Life of an Oxfordshire Hill
June 2019
Book Reviews
Natural history
Regional ecology & conservation
The Devil’s Dyke: its wildlife, history and restoration
April 2019
Natural history
Book review: Rocky Shores
April 2019
Book Reviews
Natural history
Species identification
The Basking Shark – the changing fortunes of Britain’s biggest fish
February 2019
Natural history
Moonshine, myth and magic: the strange world of the Moonwort
February 2019
Natural history
A scent of musk – the ‘life and times’ of Moschatel, the Good Friday flower
December 2018
Natural history
Was the Stone Marten once established in the wild in the British Isles?
December 2018
Natural history
Wildlife in London churchyards: awareness and reality, diversity and distribution
October 2018
Natural history
Book review: Ancient Oaks in the English Landscape
October 2018
Book Reviews
Natural history
Book review: The Wonderful Mr Willughby: The First True Ornithologist
October 2018
Book Reviews
Natural history
Natterjack Toads and landscape history: a window on the past
August 2018
Natural history
Spiders in the grass: the effect on upland spider communities of grazing
August 2018
Natural history
What is a lichen? Changing ideas on the lichen symbiosis
June 2018
Natural history
April 2018
Natural history
The Irish Hare: from the ice age to the present
April 2018
Natural history
The discovery of the native flora of Britain and Ireland
April 2018
Natural history
The Asian Yellow-legged Hornet: the implacable advance of a bee-killer
December 2017
Natural history
St Helena: the island of endemics
December 2017
Natural history
In search of the larger water beetles of Britain and Ireland
December 2017
Natural history
Into the great unknown: the microbial diversity of a nature reserve
October 2017
Natural history
On the scent of deception: warning smells, olfactory mimicry and the legacy of Miriam Rothschild
August 2017
Natural history
The Cranes of Lakenheath Fen
June 2017
Natural history
Britain’s oldest butterfly – a ‘wonderful beautiful’ survivor from Tudor England
June 2017
Natural history
The natural history of a sand-dune blowout
June 2017
Natural history
Lost and found: the resurrection of an ‘extinct’ British plant
April 2017
Natural history
Crayfish in the Wyre Forest
April 2017
Natural history
Recognising wood-meadows in Britain?
February 2017
Natural history
The spread of Turkey Oak in the British Isles
February 2017
Natural history
Life imitates life: mimicry in British insects
August 2016
Natural history
Rural tree populations in England: historic character and future planting policy
August 2016
Natural history
Diapensia: mystery on the mountain
August 2016
Natural history
Bird identification: a guide to the guides
June 2016
Natural history
The mystery of the Orkney Vole
June 2016
Natural history
A history of the White Stork in Britain
April 2016
Natural history
The playground of nature
April 2016
Natural history
A young person’s view
April 2016
Natural history
Charles Elton and Wytham Woods
April 2016
Natural history
A study in pink
February 2016
Natural history
Duck decoys: stars of the pond landscape
February 2016
Natural history
Living with mammals: an urban study
February 2016
Natural history
The Heath Potter Wasp: a detailed study
December 2015
Natural history
Why must your garden go?
December 2015
Natural history
The art of bee illustration
October 2015
Natural history
The Grey Seals of Bardsey
October 2015
Natural history
The man from the Wildwood: Oliver Rackham
August 2015
Natural history
Life in a hedge
June 2015
Natural history
Lost language: the forgotton cultural lives of butterflies
June 2015
Natural history
The wings of change
April 2015
Natural history
Primroses as individuals
April 2015
Natural history
Return of the native
February 2015
Natural history
The long-term view
October 2014
Natural history
Mollusc of the glen
October 2014
Natural history
In search of the last wolf of Scotland
October 2014
Natural history
Richard Jefferies
October 2014
Natural history
British Wildlife: 25 years of nature conservation
August 2014
Natural history
The changing face of Britain’s Tawny Owls
August 2014
Natural history
Derek Ratcliffe: Nature’s conscience
August 2014
Natural history
Cyril Diver at Studland
June 2014
Natural history
Ireland’s Lusitanian wildlife: unravelling a mystery
April 2014
Natural history
Lowland oligotrophic lakes in England – an examination of these English rarities
February 2014
Natural history
New frontiers in our understanding of Bechstein’s Bat in the UK
August 2013
Natural history
The Native Oyster: Britain’s forgotten treasure
June 2013
Natural history
The Ash: where nature meets history
April 2013
Natural history
Ash – an ecological portrait
April 2013
Natural history
The end of feral wallabies in the Peak District
February 2013
Natural history
Invasive micro-moths from Australia
February 2013
Natural history
Wildlife in Trust
December 2012
Natural history
The intriguing case of the Welsh Poppy
Meconopsis cambrica
October 2012
Natural history
Tree-hunting in Warwickshire
October 2012
Natural history
The rose bedeguar
October 2012
Natural history
Common Crane habitats in Britain
August 2012
Natural history
August 2012
Natural history
The Mole Cricket – rare native or regular import?
June 2012
Natural history
Adventures with caterpillars. The larval stage of the Purple Emperor butterfly
June 2012
Natural history
Too steep for the plough? The history of the Pasqueflower in Britain
April 2012
Natural history
Deer in the Peak District and its urban fringe
April 2012
Natural history
Britain’s first county flora: John Ray’s Cambridge Catalogue of 1660
February 2012
Natural history
Basalt outcrops in south-east Scotland – an overlooked wealth of treasures
February 2012
Natural history
Lapwings on a downland farm – a personal view
February 2012
Natural history
The South Downs National Park
December 2011
Natural history
Why museums matter
December 2011
Natural history
The Noble Chafer and traditional orchards – an old-growth species in the English cultural landscape
October 2011
Natural history
Mistletoe – a review of its distribution, conservation and insect associates
October 2011
Natural history
Large house spiders in the British Isles: past, present and future
October 2011
Natural history
The long-staying dolphins of Loch Carron
August 2011
Natural history
Killer Shrimps in Britain: hype or horror? The facts about our latest invasive animal
August 2011
Natural history
The Horse-chestnut Leaf-miner and its parasitoids
June 2011
Natural history
Small Fleabane: changing fortunes
June 2011
Natural history
Ecology and conservation of the Tadpole Shrimp
Triops cancriformis
in Britain
June 2011
Natural history
The importance of Breckland for biodiversity
April 2011
Natural history
Boggarts, ants and poison – The shady natural history of Dog’s Mercury
April 2011
Natural history
Observation of Chequered Skippers in Scotland in 2010
April 2011
Natural history
A long-term study of the Edible Dormouse in Britain
February 2011
Natural history
The south-west Dartmoor downs
February 2011
Natural history
The Scarborough Snail and what it has to tell us about ancient semi-natural woodland
February 2011
Natural history
Living with the enemy: insects and their pathogens
December 2010
Natural history
Skipper Newson of Grimsby – the ‘Sturgeon Hunter’
August 2010
Natural history
The importance of open-grown trees – from acorn to ancient
June 2010
Natural history
Flies of exposed riverine sediments
June 2010
Natural history
Wild about Asparagus
June 2010
Natural history
Harbour Porpoise distribution around the UK – records from aerial surveys for waterbirds
April 2010
Natural history
Shetland Otters revisited
April 2010
Natural history
Black Guillemots at Bangor, Co Down: a 25-year study
February 2010
Natural history
Dordogne – an exotic England? An introduction to the wildlife and nature conservation of a rural French
December 2009
Natural history
Rural gardens, allotments and biodiversity
December 2009
Natural history
The Lesser Glow-worm in Britain: native or newcomer
October 2009
Natural history
The water and wildlife of the Hampshire Avon winterbournes
October 2009
Natural history
Brown Galingale at Breamore Marsh
August 2009
Natural history
The folk-names of invertebrates
August 2009
Natural history
Eagle Owls in Britain: origins and conservation implications
August 2009
Natural history
Observations of Purple Hairstreaks at canopy level
June 2009
Natural history
British ticks
April 2009
Natural history
Woodland origins of meadows
February 2009
Natural history
The Ladybird Spider in Britain – its history, ecology and conservation
February 2009
Natural history
The history of the Eurasian Lynx in Britain and the potential for its reintroduction
December 2008
Natural history
‘For five shillings this duck can be yours‘ – a history of the Orielton Decoy
October 2008
Natural history
Whirligigs in Britain and Ireland
October 2008
Natural history
Revealing the foundations of biodiversity: The Database of British Insects and their Foodplants
October 2008
Natural history
Bears in Britain
August 2008
Natural history
British mosquitoes
June 2008
Natural history
The Myth of the Master Tree – Mate-location strategies of the Purple Emperor butterfly
June 2008
Natural history
BTO is 75 years old – what have its archives got to offer?
June 2008
Natural history
It’s a small world
June 2008
Natural history
The ladybird, the scale and the spindle – a highly specialised relationship
February 2008
Natural history
Life on the edge – key coastal soft cliffs for invertebrates in England and Wales
February 2008
Natural history
Darwin’s war-horse: beetle-collecting in 19th-century England
February 2008
Natural history
Solitary-sociable dolphins in the UK
December 2007
Natural history
Are gardens good for birds or birdwatchers?
December 2007
Natural history
Heathland and wood pasture in Norfolk: ecology and landscape history
August 2007
Natural history
Long-term experimental studies of lowland grasslands and heaths in the UK
June 2007
Natural history
Are the Fens a national stronghold for Water Voles? Evidence from the Cambridgeshire fens
April 2007
Natural history
Invertebrates associated with coarse woody debris in streams and rivers in Britain
February 2007
Natural history
The ‘global fungal weeds‘: the toadstools of wood-chip beds
December 2006
Natural history
Comment: The dying of the light: values in nature and the environment
December 2006
Natural history
The Bullhead – its biology and conservation
December 2006
Natural history
Life in marine meadows: the communities of eelgrass beds
October 2006
Natural history
The value of different tree and shrub species to wildlife
October 2006
Natural history
Victorian pteridomania – Britain’s fern craze
August 2006
Natural history
More on the rise and fall of the Holly Blue
August 2006
Natural history
The value of ant-hills in grasslands
August 2006
Natural history
June 2006
Natural history
Status of the Common Tree Frog in Britain
February 2006
Natural history
Aspen: Britain’s missing link with the boreal forest
December 2005
Natural history
The Bog Hoverfly on Dartmoor
December 2005
Natural history
Yellow Rattle – its natural history and use in grassland diversification
December 2005
Natural history
Telling the trees from the wood in Killarney
December 2005
Natural history
Comment – Natural history re-mastered
October 2005
Natural history
In search of the Land Caddis
October 2005
Natural history
Knottholes: the wildlife of Peterborough’s claypits
August 2005
Natural history
Ecology of the Harlequin Ladybird – a new invasive species
August 2005
Natural history
The ecology and management of drawdown zones
August 2005
Natural history
Allaying public fears of health issues on wetlands
June 2005
Natural history
Montane scrub – the challenge of the ‘wee trees’
June 2005
Natural history
Gorse Mites and their predators
June 2005
Natural history
The Great Silver Water Beetle in Britain – a cry for help
April 2005
Natural history
Extreme butterfly-collecting: A biography of I R P Heslop
February 2005
Natural history
Comment: ls there a case for the Celtic Maple or the Scots Plane?
February 2005
Natural history
December 2004
Natural history
Insects and fleshy fruits
December 2004
Natural history
The Downy Emerald – an enigmatic dragonfly?
December 2004
Natural history
Silent invasions – the natural history of chalk pits
October 2004
Natural history
The English names of butterflies
August 2004
Natural history
The three smallest British diving beetles
August 2004
Natural history
The status, ecology and conservation of the Smelt in the British Isles
June 2004
Natural history
Beyond hypothesis – a long-term study of British snakes
June 2004
Natural history
The ecology of the Pearl-bordered Fritillary in woodland
April 2004
Natural history
Cypress trees and their moths
April 2004
Natural history
Fungi living on lichens: a source of unexplored diversity
February 2004
Natural history
The discovery of Large Cone-head Bush-cricket in the Isles of Scilly
December 2003
Natural history
Mountain Hares in the Peak District
December 2003
Natural history
Putting our alien flora into perspective
August 2003
Natural history
The Welsh uplands – past, present and future
August 2003
Natural history
Wild mushrooms in Britain
August 2003
Natural history
Woodlice, chiselbobs and sow-bugs
August 2003
Natural history
Coastal soft cliffs and their importance for invertebrates
June 2003
Natural history
The jewel of York – ecology and conservation of the Tansy Beetle
June 2003
Natural history
Natural sounds at the British Library
June 2003
Natural history
The status and ecology of the Yellow Wagtail in Britain
April 2003
Natural history
Water frogs in Britain
April 2003
Natural history
A naturalist abroad – The Brenne, France
April 2003
Natural history
Mammals in Britain – a historical perspective
April 2003
Natural history
Some aspects of geology and the British flora
February 2003
Natural history
Chalkhill Blue on Therfield Heath, Hertfordshire
February 2003
Natural history
Wetlands as an important habitat for small mammals
February 2003
Natural history
Shropshire Ravens on a roll
February 2003
Natural history
The amazing Amazonian Freshwater Jellyfish in Yorkshire
February 2003
Natural history
Essex Otters – struggling in a hostile environment?
February 2003
Natural history
Fungi upon other fungi grow – Britain’s parasitic toadstools
December 2002
Natural history
Killer Whales in British waters
December 2002
Natural history
Atlantic hazelwoods – Some observations on the ecology of this neglected habitat from a lichenological perspective
October 2002
Natural history
Lamprey: relicts from the past
August 2002
Natural history
The perfect disciple – the perfect hunter. The myths and realities of Mustela
August 2002
Natural history
Lesser Horseshoe Bats in a Welsh valley
August 2002
Natural history
The deadly world of Britain’s carnivorous plants
June 2002
Natural history
The history, ecology and conservation of the New Forest Cicada
April 2002
Natural history
Water Voles in the Highlands An undiscovered refuge?
April 2002
Natural history
The affair of the ‘Long-willied (Real’s) Wood White
April 2002
Natural history
The status, conservation and use of the Medicinal Leech
April 2002
Natural history
Nesting behaviour of the Red Kite in the Chilterns
February 2002
Natural history
The legacy and significance of
The Life of the Robin
by David Lack
December 2001
Natural history
Comment: Meet the Glomales – the ecology of mycorrhiza
December 2001
Natural history
The value of gardens for wildlife – lessons from mammals and herpetofauna
December 2001
Natural history
The first field guides: the Wayside and Woodland books
October 2001
Natural history
Bristol’s Foxes – 40 years of change
August 2001
Natural history
Springtails – in search of Britain’s most abundant insects
August 2001
Natural history
Edge of the tide: a natural history of beachcombing
August 2001
Natural history
A naturalist abroad: Picos de Europa, northen Spain
June 2001
Natural history
The Barbastelle in Britain
June 2001
Natural history
Wildlife and mining in the Yorkshire coalfield
June 2001
Natural history
ARKive – calling all British Natural history specialists…
April 2001
Natural history
The wetland invertebrates of Ireland
April 2001
Natural history
Whatever happened to the Ravenglass gullery?
February 2001
Natural history
Wild trout in the British Isles – their variety and conservation
December 2000
Natural history
The Wall Lizard in England
December 2000
Natural history
Large-leaved Limes on the South Downs
December 2000
Natural history
British tooth-fungi and their conservation
August 2000
Natural history
Intraspecific aggression, cannibalism and suspected infanticide in Otters
August 2000
Natural history
Machair – a land with a flower-sweet taste
August 2000
Natural history
When do frogs emerge from hibernation (and how do we know)?
August 2000
Natural history
The Black Redstart in urban Britain – a conservation conundrum?
August 2000
Natural history
Wildlife on a branch line – a natural history of the railways
April 2000
Natural history
The ecology and conservation of Allis and Twaite Shad
February 2000
Natural history
Living with Yellow-necked Mice
February 2000
Natural history
Identifying ancient woodland using vascular plant indicators
February 2000
Natural history
The invertebrates of Britain’s wood pastures
December 1999
Natural history
Snowdonia’s Silver-studded Blues
December 1999
Natural history
The conservation history of the Pembrokeshire islands
December 1999
Natural history
Ireland’s raised bogs
December 1999
Natural history
The nature conservation importance of dung
October 1999
Natural history
Zander – the hidden invader
October 1999
Natural history
County floras
August 1999
Natural history
Anisus vorticulus
– a rare and threatened water snail
August 1999
Natural history
Current status of the House Sparrow in Britain
August 1999
Natural history
The natural history of British estuaries
August 1999
Natural history
The Golden Eagle – free spirit of The Highlands
June 1999
Natural history
Predicting the date of frog emergence in Devon
June 1999
Natural history
The Suffolk ant-lion
Euroleon nostras
June 1999
Natural history
A naturalist abroad – The Cevennes, France
April 1999
Natural history
The Nightingale in England – problems and prospects
April 1999
Natural history
Indicators of ancient woodland – the use of vascular plants in evaluating ancient woods for nature conservation
April 1999
Natural history
Morels and their allies – spring spore-shooters
February 1999
Natural history
Dormice in Dorset – the importance of hedges and scrub
February 1999
Natural history
The Scaly Cricket in Britain – A complete history from discovery to citizenship
February 1999
Natural history
Early Spider Orchids at Samphire Hoe, Dover
February 1999
Natural history
Black Squirrels in Britain
December 1998
Natural history
The Ecology and Conservation of Limestone Pavement in Britain
December 1998
Natural history
Northern Bottlenose Whales off Skye
December 1998
Natural history
The Oxlip in Britain – ls its future in doubt?
December 1998
Natural history
The English Names of Moths
October 1998
Natural history
British Wood-ants
October 1998
Natural history
Variation on a Theme – Butterfly Aberrations
August 1998
Natural history
A Short History of Butterfly-collecting in Britain
August 1998
Natural history
Exmoor Ponies – Britain’s Prehistoric Wild Horses?
June 1998
Natural history
Floating Water-plantain in Britain – Under-recorded and Overlooked?
June 1998
Natural history
The Peregrine Falcon in Shropshire – whatever next?
April 1998
Natural history
Magnesian Limestone Grassland and its conservation
April 1998
Natural history
Fungal Flowers: the Waxcaps and their World
February 1998
Natural history
British Tree Aphids – Natural History and Conservation
February 1998
Natural history
Elm – The Forgotten Tree
February 1998
Natural history
The Lesser White-toothed Shrew on the Isles of Scilly
December 1997
Natural history
Marine Turtles in British and Irish Waters
December 1997
Natural history
The Edible Dormouse in Britain
August 1997
Natural history
The Private Lives of British Ladybirds
April 1997
Natural history
‘And Some Fell on Stony Ground . . .’ The Saxicolous Churchyard Lichens of Lowland England
February 1997
Natural history
Stoneworts – Connoisseurs of Clean Water
December 1996
Natural history
Scrub Ecology and Conservation
October 1996
Natural history
Ant Nests, Sun and Shade – their measurement and significance for invertebrate conservation
October 1996
Natural history
Changing Perceptions of the Dark-bellied Brent Goose
August 1996
Natural history
Popular Books on Fungi – a Review
August 1996
Natural history
Nightjars – some aspects of their behaviour and conservation
June 1996
Natural history
Comment – Wilderness or Cultural Landscapes: Conflicting Conservation Philosophies?
June 1996
Natural history
Comment – Beavers, Fish and Fishermen
June 1996
Natural history
Slime Moulds – Stranger than Fiction
April 1996
Natural history
The Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly – the Conservation of a Wandering Opportunist
April 1996
Natural history
Estuary Birds – Before the Counting Began
April 1996
Natural history
The History of the Beaver in Scotland and the Case for its Reintroduction
February 1996
Natural history
Persevering Pea Crabs
December 1995
Natural history
Mistletoe – distribution, biology and the National Survey
December 1995
Natural history
The Festive Ecology of Holly, lvy and Mistletoe
December 1995
Natural history
Crested Newts – Ancient Survivors
October 1995
Natural history
Stinkhorns, Earth-stars and Fungal Flowers: The Strange World of Gasteromycete Fungi
August 1995
Natural history
The Meadows in the Sea
August 1995
Natural history
Insects of Scottish Mountains
February 1995
Natural history
Greater Horseshoe Bats – Activity, foraging behaviour and habitat use
December 1994
Natural history
The Sandhill Rustic – the Unanswered Questions
October 1994
Natural history
The British Service Trees
October 1994
Natural history
Grey Seals in West Wales
August 1994
Natural history
The Water Vole – some aspects of its ecology
June 1994
Natural history
Locating and Conserving the Elusive Purple Emperor
June 1994
Natural history
The Rise and Fall of the Holly Blue Butterfly
April 1994
Natural history
The Enigma of the Burnet Moths of Western Scotland
April 1994
Natural history
Effects of Grazing and Browsing by Mammals on Woodlands
April 1994
Natural history
Chamomile – the herb of humility in demise
February 1994
Natural history
Orchid Woods and Floating Islands – the Ecology of Fly Ash
February 1994
Natural history
Ancient British Woodlands and their Epiphytes
December 1993
Natural history
The Return of the Polecat
October 1993
Natural history
The Hobby’s Breeding Range in Britain – what factors have allowed it to expand?
August 1993
Natural history
The New Naturalists
August 1993
Natural history
Atlantic Bryophytes on the Western Seaboard
June 1993
Natural history
Ticks and Lyme Disease
June 1993
Natural history
The Living Churchyard – Sanctuaries for Wildlife
April 1993
Natural history
The Fundamental Importance of Fungi in Woodlands
April 1993
Natural history
British Kelp Forests
February 1993
Natural history
Hedges Make the Grade – A look at the Wildlife Value of Hedges
December 1992
Natural history
The Fly Agaric and its Allies – the Amanita toadstools
December 1992
Natural history
Comment – The Forgotten Army – Woodland Fungi
December 1992
Natural history
The Red Squirrel in Jersey
December 1992
Natural history
Pine Martens in Scotland
October 1992
Natural history
lmpact of Low Flows on Chalk Streams and Water Meadows
October 1992
Natural history
The Otter in South-east Britain
August 1992
Natural history
British Boletes
June 1992
Natural history
The Fritillary in Britain – a historical perspective
April 1992
Natural history
ls Dr Blair’s Shoulder-knot here to stay?
April 1992
Natural history
Britain’s Arable Weeds
February 1992
Natural history
The Gadwall in Britain
December 1991
Natural history
Bracket Fungi and their Role in Nature
October 1991
Natural history
The Mountain Flora of Britain and Ireland
October 1991
Natural history
Marine Life in Scottish Sealochs
October 1991
Natural history
Stinging Nettle Butterflies
August 1991
Natural history
The Enigmatic Serotine Bat – a case of human dependency
June 1991
Natural history
The Chequered Skipper in Scotland
June 1991
Natural history
Illustrated Field Guides to the British Flora: A Review
April 1991
Natural history
Land, Wildlife and Conservation in the Cairngorms
February 1991
Natural history
Indications of Antiquity – some observations on the nature of plants associated with ancient woodlands
December 1990
Natural history
Lesser Fleabane – a plant of seasonal hollows
December 1990
Natural history
Seasonal Pools – an overlooked invertebrate habitat
October 1990
Natural history
The Mystery of the Isle of Man’s Endangered Grasshopper
October 1990
Natural history
Looking for British Reptiles
June 1990
Natural history
British Meadows and Pastures
April 1990
Natural history
British Estuaries
December 1989
Natural history
Discovering Ancient Woodlands
December 1989
Natural history
British Rivers – A Working Classification
October 1989
Natural history
Turloughs – Ireland’s vanishing lakes
January 1970
Natural history
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