British Wildlife 33.4 February 2022

February 2022
This issue includes
The Walrus and other Arctic Vagrants – Heavy-metal Grasslands – Ecology of Field Scabious – The Protected Landscapes Consultation – Valley Headwater Fens of the Norfolk–Suffolk Border
In this issue:
- 235 The wandering Walrus and other Arctic vagrants
- 244 Natural reflections
- 245 Heavy-metal habitats: calaminarian grassland in Gwydyr Forest Mines SAC
- 253 Habitat management news
- 255 Field Scabious or Gipsy Rose – an ‘insect plant’ par excellence
- 264 Wild story
- 265 Comment: The Landscapes Review – an opportunity for change?
- 270 Scribbling in the margins
- 271 The valley headwater fens of the Norfolk–Suffolk border
- 281 Letter from Caledonia
- 282 Wildlife reports
- 304 How to be wild
- 305 Conservation news
- 310 Twitcher in the swamp
- 311 Book review: Slime: A Natural History
- 311 Book review: Wild Fell: Fighting for Nature on a Lake District Hill Farm
Supplementary material
The wandering Walrus and other Arctic vagrants by Jonathan Mullard: Appendix