British Wildlife 28.2 December 2016
December 2016
This issue includes
Britain's Hedgehogs – Dredged Sediment – Insh Marshes – Brexit – Keeping the Wild in Wildflower
In this issue:
- 78 Britain’s Hedgehogs: research and the conservation effort in the face of serious decline
- 87 Through a naturalist’s eyes
- 88 Dredged sediment – still an under-used conservation resource
- 97 Habitat management news
- 99 The botanical importance of the Insh Marshes, a floodplain swamp in northern Scotland
- 105 Flying kites: a view from Wales
- 106 ‘Brexit’ – if it were done when ’tis done
- 112 Keeping the wild in wildflower
- 118 Wildlife reports
- 140 Naturally opinionated
- 141 Conservation news
- 149 Twitcher in the Swamp