British Wildlife 25.2 December 2013

December 2013
This issue includes
Breeding Waders on the Somerset Levels – Bat Detectors – The Great Fen – Eels and Otters – Chobham Common NNR
In this issue:
- 77 Farewell to the silver meadows? The story of breeding waders on the Somerset Levels
- 85 Through a naturalist’s eyes
- 86 Bat detectors: past, present and future
- 93 Habitat management news
- 95 The Great Fen – the challenges of creating a wild landscape in lowland England
- 103 Are Eels a declining food source for Otters in Scotland?
- 109 Reserve Focus: Chobham Common National Nature Reserve
- 114 Wildlife reports
- 138 Comment: Nature versus People: room for both on NNRs?
- 140 Naturally opinionated
- 141 Conservation news
- 147 Twitcher in the Swamp