The cutting of coppice stools, for one reason or another, continues in many woods across Britain. Despite this, large areas of coppice have remained uncut and unmanaged for long periods, becoming what is now termed 'lapsed coppice' or, as some might say, 'derelict' or 'neglected coppice'. In recent decades, attempts have been made to restore some of these areas to a working coppicing cycle.
Comment – coppicing like a Beaver
The cutting of coppice stools, for one reason or another, continues in many woods across Britain. Despite this, large areas of coppice have remained uncut and unmanaged for long periods, becoming what is now termed 'lapsed coppice' or, as some might say, 'derelict' or 'neglected coppice'. In recent decades, attempts have been made to restore some of these areas to a working coppicing cycle.